These 11 years I have been walking trails with off leash dogs as well as walking dogs on leash in downtown neighborhood environments. I am well experienced with all types of dogs sizes and types. Through my experience I have dealt with many dog-situations, especially when I walked multiple dogs on leash, on busy sidewalks, on neighborhood streets. During that year, I experienced many learning moments with dogs and their possible triggers with past traumas. Through gentle teaching I offer help in those areas as well. But when they are outdoors in the wild with other dogs, they forget all that and connect with nature. They become themselves and show you a side you'll never see otherwise, it's beautiful!
I have run multiple packs and have built many with many different dogs. It's wonderful! I give them friends and truthfully, that's all they want, a friend for the day. So through my experience and knowledge, that's who I am for them, a friend! I make sure all the dogs are always safe and in a secure setting, I take this part seriously. I will use the first hikes not only to become familiar with your dogs behavior and social patterns but see how well we are suited for each other in terms of how to introduce her/him into the pack. |